Storm Dual Lock (1-Handed and 2-Handed) by

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We test the international release the Storm Dual Lock Bowling Ball, 1-hand and 2-hands on a typical house shot. We also compare to the Snap Lock and discuss how it compares to the Lock, Roto Grip Nuclear Cell, and AstroPhysix.
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22 Comments on “Storm Dual Lock (1-Handed and 2-Handed) by”

  1. I tried every surface on mine down to 1000 and ball never got better just lacked that punch I was expecting and very slow off friction for a storm pearl assym

    1. Yeah I think r4s is just slower response in general but I really liked it for my 2-hand game. Made it much easier to manage.

    1. Fair enough but Nano has been more responsive on other covers. Ultimately it just feels like less ball and less responsive than say the snap lock which is the relevant info to fellow bowlers in case they want to know where it fits.

  2. Nice. Overseas balls are really unique and you find unique motions. My favorite overseas storm was the marvel Maxx se.

  3. i really hope you will be testing the new Storm Hy Road Gold Pearl. Its has the R2X Cover from the Marvel Pearl and the Fire Road.
    Its also international.

  4. I bought the dual lock back in april and mine cracked last week, i’m pretty bummed that I won’t get to use it anymore.

  5. You want a shiny monster ball? Try the Storm Bite SE. G2 core with the TractionX7 Hybrid cover (Parallax), 1500 polished, 2.470 RG .058 Diff .028 MB @15 lbs

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